Internal Audit and Risk Management

We offer an Internal Audit service to schools whereby we review the internal control systems in place at your school and advise on the effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

We can also offer a pre Local Authority Internal Audit health check service.

We can produce a risk register for you, review and update it, and help you establish appropriate risk management processes thereby ensuring that the key strategic risks facing your school are identified and appropriately dealt with.

Key benefits to your school :-

  • provides assurance that procedures and processes are appropriate
  • helps you make the most effective use of your resources
  • helps protect the school's resources from loss or fraud
  • helps safeguard the School's reputation and staff and governors alike
  • enables you to learn from and apply best practice

For a personalised quotation please don't hesitate to contact us.


Our Financial Services

Audit of School Accounts (school fund, before and after school clubs, PTA)
Inventory/Asset Register Compilation
Support for Academies
Internal Audit and Risk Management
Financial Management Support and Advice
Documenting and Producing Key Financial Policies and Procedures
Governing Body Clerking Service